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Matthew Noellert

Associate Professor of Economic History at Hitotsubashi University

  1. jekyll-uno theme

    My website is already looking more sophisticated, thanks to the jekyll-uno theme, made by Josh Gerdes (2016). It took me a while to figure out how to add page buttons to the title screen - by editing the header file in _includes - but now I feel like I learned something. …

  2. First post

    I made a personal website in high school with a friend around the year 2000. We wrote it in HTML by hand, and it was a static site where we posted images of our favorite cars and bikes. That site only exists now in our faint memories (literally, the master files for the site are long gone after dozens of hardware and software upgrades, and the hosting site (Tripod) has removed a bunch of their content from the wayback machine), and nowadays there are things like Jekyll that seem to make building websites much easier. …